High Pressure PU Foam Machine Manual

1. Check before machine starts

1.1 check machine parts damage

1.2 check material level, the material level will be displayed by the indicator, open the material outlet.

1.3 check the inlet air pressure (0.4—0.6mpa), 

Check material tank air pressure (0.1—0.25mpa), 

Close each switch and open the air inlet switch, make sure the air pressure is in range.

2. Turn on the main switch

2.1 turn on the power switch, and check if there is any alarming sound

2.2 adjust the parameters according to your demand

2.3 turn on the oil pump

Check the oil cycle pressure; make sure the oil pressure is between 12-16 Mpa. (Pay attention to the pressure releasing valve on/off condition, the oil motor will start at lower limit and stops at high limit.)

2.4 Cleaning, injection and machine trial

2.4.1 at CLEAN position; (please release the air pressure of each material tank to 0), pressure injection button at the mixing head controlling box and check the movement of the mixing head; repeat and check if there is any leakage or


2.4.2 at INJECTION or CYCLE position; start relevant material pump 

2.4.3 injection pressure adjustment

Button at CYCLE position; press injection button, check if the pressure is at right range.

2.4.4 Check metering pump pressure; the pressure range is 10-12 mpa. It can be adjusted by the mixing head needle valve. When pressure is set, place this switch at INJECTION position, press injection button, the injection procedure

is on. Material will cycle in the hose if the injection procedure is not running at low pressure.

2.5 L shape mixing head design

2.5.1 this mixing head has 2 piston, small piston controls small mixing chamber (the material nozzle). While injection, two pistons lift and pour out the material, these two materials will be mixed at the nozzle at the pressure of 10-20mpa,

they will be mixed again at the big chamber and poured into the mold.

2.5.2 after injection, hydraulic system will push small piston back to its original position, isolate these materials. Push remained mixed material in the mixing chamber, finishing its self-cleaning; make sure the mixing head is not jammed.


3. Pressure value setup popup notice

3.1 B/ISO material setup

3.1.1 B/ISO material pump outlet pressure top limit: at top limit value, machine stops for protection, popup dialog for over pressure notice

3.1.2 B/ISO material pump outlet pressure warning: at warning value, popup dialog for extreme pressure notice; need manual operation to release the pressure.

3.1.3 B/ISO material pump outlet pressure bottom limit: at bottom limit, the mixing head will not function, material will not come out from nozzle, popup dialog for low pressure notice.

3.1.4 B/ISO material pump inlet pressure top limit: at top limit, popup dialog for alarm

3.1.5 B/ISO material pump inlet pressure bottom limit: at bottom limit, popup dialog for low pressure notice, and machine stops.

3.2 A/POL material setup

3.2.1 A/POL material pump outlet pressure top limit: at top limit value, machine stops for protection, popup dialog for over pressure notice 

3.2.2 A/POL material pump outlet pressure warning: at warning value, popup dialog for extreme pressure notice; need manual operation to release the pressure.

3.2.3 A/POL material pump outlet pressure bottom limit: at bottom limit, the mixing head will not function, material will not come out from nozzle, popup dialog for low pressure notice.

3.2.4 A/POL material pump inlet pressure top limit: at top limit, popup dialog for alarm 

3.2.5 A/POL material pump inlet pressure bottom limit: at bottom limit, popup dialog for low pressure notice, and machine stops.

3.3 oil pump pressure setup

3.3.1 Oil pump pressure top limit: at top limit, oil pump stops automatically

3.3.2 Oil pump pressure bottom limit: at bottom limit, oil pump starts automatically; meanwhile the mixing head will not function. Machine popups dialog for low pressure notice.


4. Working position setup (1-100 positions preset, position amount adjustable)

4.1 injection weight: input product weight (gram)

4.2 A material flow: the pouring weight of A material per second by gram (input test value)

4.3 A material frequency: calculated by computer PLC after use

4.4 A material / B material ratio: the ratio of these chemicals

4.5 B material flow: the powering weight of B material will be calculated by PLC

4.6 HZ calibration: adjust the HZ value if the product is soft or hard, the value could be set to meet your demand.

4.7 T calibration: adjust the injection time to adjust the pouring weight if the weight cannot meet setup value.

4.8 ON/OFF: on means this position is in use, off means this position is not in use. Design standard: pouring weight per second is measured; and then calculates the time by its total weight. PLC system will be controlled by these values below.


5. Measure material flow:

5.1 single material weighing:

5.1.1 Turn off all material pumps, enter test procedure (code needed), after test, long press to exit.

5.1.2 Choose “test by calculate frequency”, the maximum value is 50HZ,

choose calculate frequency after test

5.1.3 Choose “default/test A/ test B” button, choose “default” after test

5.1.4 Fasten the nozzle A/B if it is not tested (gently fastening)

5.1.5 Start A material pump when test A; and start B material B pump when test


5.1.6 Choose “cycle” button, press injection button to set up the top pressure

value, adjust the value 100kg (between 90 to 120 kg)

5.1.7 Choose “injection” button, press injection button, monitor the pressure

while injection procedure.

5.1.8 Weigh the poured material by electric scale (calibration by gram), adjust

the main pump wheel to make sure the poured weight meet your demand.

5.1.9 Turn the material pump off and get ready to measure the other material.

5.1.10 Repeat steps 4 -10

5.1.11 turn off all material pumps

5.1.12 input the weight parameters into the reference area. Loose the nozzle


5.1.13 Turn on the motor

5.1.14 Long press to exit this page

5.1.15 Setup the working position parameters

5.1.16 Start main motor to adjust the pressure

5.1.17 Injection material

5.1.18 Mixing head cabinet

Position: total injection position setup

Current injection position: position needed

Position jump: jump to needed position

Position jump on/off: turn on/off the function


6. Material feeding system

Turn off the material air inlet valve, turn on the air releasing valve, when the value comes to 0, turn on the material feeding valve, turn on material feeding button (make sure the valve is open and pressure is in range before turn on

the button, too much material tank pressure can damage the material feeding motor).


7. Material heating/ chilling system: fill the system with water before usage, turn on the chiller; the temperature will be controlled by the water circulation which controlled by the solenoid valve. 

The heating or chilling will be automatically controlled on site.

Heating will be turned on if the water temperature reaches the set value – the bottom limit.

Chilling will be turned on if the material temperature reaches the set value + top limit.


8. Air system

The pressure needs to be at 0.6mpa, the material tank pressure is 0.1mpa – 0.25mpa.

Alarm will be on if the material tank pressure is low; thus the material output will not be stable.

High pressure may damage the O-ring sealing parts in the system.


9. Hydraulic system

Hydraulic system controls the mixing head work pressure. The range is 13 – 18mpa. The hydraulic motor will start to charge the pressure if it reaches 13mpa, and stops at 18mpa or set value.

Notice: if the filter at oil inlet is jammed, the motor will function at very loud noise, the oil pressure will raise at very low speed. Check the releasing valve, and make sure it is fastened