2022 New Year’s Message

Cooperate with each other to achieve mutual benefits

Dear friends and buyers,

The midnight chime has ring in 2022, and its first sunrise has been shining for us; let’s celebrate the New Year with a sense of expectation and accomplishment that we all engaged to.

There will be more opportunities, more challenges, more responsibilities in 2022, and we believe we will play out part and create a better life for our families. It is up to each of us to ride the tide of times.

In the past years, COVID-19 had placed its influences on us, and some of us might have faced more difficulties than ever. However, with our contribution and strength, the COVID-19 had been controlled in normal condition. The economy was back to its growth, and the whole business environment was also back to alive.

The barriers rebuilt by COVID-19 will be tore down, and we will sooner or later benefit from the new globalization.

In 2021, we triumphed over an arduous journey; and 2022 is unfolding, towards a new era.

The year of 2022 is a magnificient new start for EAMIE; EAMIE is ready to provide more satisfying machines to each of our buyers, and we will continue to provide qualified after sale service for our customers.

With us, we believe you can and will turn your vision into reality.

The new journey has began! Let’s march!